Captain Marvel

No, not this guy. Carol Danvers has definitely had her stock risen in the last decade, promoting from Ms. Marvel to Captain Marvel and becoming one of Marvel’s flagship characters. Her Kree physiology gives her super strength, durability, flight and the ability to absorb and release energy – putting her about on par with Superman. With this deck, I wanted to pay homage to Carol’s history, where she steadily got more and more powerful over the years.

Captain Marvel PDF

Captain Marvel: 19 Hit Points, Melee, Green Deck

4x KREE PHYSIOLOGY: Place this card on Captain Marvel’s Life Card. As long as this card is on Captain Marvel’s Life Card, increase the attack value of her cards by 1.

3x WARBIRD: A3 If the attack value of this card is lower than 5, playing this card does not count as an action. If it is 5 or higher, draw a card.

3x PHOTON BLAST: Choose an enemy character to take damage equal to the number of KREE PHYSIOLOGY cards on Captain Marvel’s Life Card. That character’s player discards a card at random.

2x AIRFORCE ACE: Move Captain Marvel up to 6 spaces. She may move over obstacles and enemies. Then draw a card.

2x HIGHER, FURTHER, FASTER: D12 You must remove a KREE PHYSIOLOGY card from Captain Marvel’s Life Card to play this card. The attacking character takes 1 damage for each remaining KREE PHYSIOLOGY card on her Life Card.

1x BINARY ENERGY: A7 Draw a card. If there are any KREE PHYSIOLOGY cards on Captain Marvel’s Life Card, you must remove one.

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Theme: Growing in power until you’re superhuman

Strengths: High offensive potential, good defense, direct damage, solid movement

Weaknesses: Takes a while to get going, low draw power

Complexity – Simple: Carol might be the easiest way to introduce Resource Decks to a new player


Playing as Captain Marvel: Captain Marvel starts the game as more of a defensive character, holding back and drawing cards and staying in things with her Green Deck and high hit points. Once she has a few KREE PHYSIOLOGY cards, she becomes a heavy hitter. Her abundance of A4s become brutal consistent attacks when they are A6s or A7s, while WARBIRD and BINARY ENERGY can lay on even further damage. PHOTON BLAST doesn’t need to do 3 or 4 damage to be effective – playing it as 2 direct damage and a forced discard is more than enough when you need to stall.

Playing Against Captain Marvel: Carol becomes a massive threat once she has a few KREE PHYSIOLOGY cards on her Life Card, and you should make it a priority to prevent her from getting there. Direct damage is great, but throwing heavy offense at her early and often is a good plan. Carol players typically don’t like to play their HIGHER, FASTER, FURTHER cards until late game, but if you can force an opponent into considering it you can really hamper their chances.

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